What to do if someone hit your car

As you are driving to work one morning, you notice a big scratch on the door. Someone struck your parked car. No matter how serious the damage, it doesn’t matter if you are in any way upset. You can’t ignore the inconvenience caused by someone hitting your parked vehicle. Repairs can make your car look less-than-perfect and can lead to frustration.

What can you do and when is it best to do so? Follow these steps to get the best result for your situation.

How to Respond When Someone Hits Your Car

  1. Notify the police

When you see someone hitting your car, the first thing you should do is notify the police. Once the police arrive on the scene, they will take photos and also record the incident in a report. In case you need it, request that the officer give you a printed copy of the incident report.

  1. Take pictures of the scene

While you wait for the police to arrive, start step 2 and document the scene exactly as it was found. If you don’t have to, please do not move or leave the scene. It is now much easier to record the damage done by your car, thanks to having access to our phones’ cameras at all times. You can take pictures and videos of the vehicle, damage, and overall scene to capture the event as accurately and accurately as you can. You should also note the officer’s badge number and name when the police arrive.

You should also check the surroundings. Businesses and residential homes are becoming more common to have security or doorbell camera systems on their property. If you notice any cameras, take photos of the address and business. You or the police might be able to reach the owners and request access.

  1. Notify your insurer

Not least, not last, contact your insurer. Although dealing with insurance may be the last thing on your mind after steps one through two, you must do so as soon as possible. By doing this, your insurer can inform you about the information required to file your claims. If you have any other information you should document, you will be able to do so before leaving the scene.

Did You Discover a Note?

If someone hits your car while it is parked and leaves a notice, that’s the best scenario. The worst-case scenario would be that your car didn’t get hit. Notes should contain the note’s owner’s contact information as well as their insurance information. To ensure proper handling, share the note information with your insurer and police.


If the damage to your car isn’t too serious (a scratch on the fender or a dent in the fender), you could choose a route without insurance. Get estimates from as many repair shops as you can. As an alternative to paying out of pocket for repairs, the driver who hits your car might choose to do so.

But, it is important to check with the repair shop for potential issues that might not immediately be apparent if you choose this route. If you have insurance that covers repairs, but future issues arise from the original incident, your insurer may not be able to pay for them.

Be Safe On and Off the Road with Top Driver

It will be difficult to deal with a car that is hit by someone. However, having a plan and knowing what to do can help you relieve the stress. LTrent Driving School, the most renowned driving school, is committed to making sure that you are ready for whatever you may encounter on or off the road.

LTrent Driving School offers driver education. we offer 20 hour driving course in-vehicle classes and training. We also have a blog that covers best practices in road safety. LTrent Driving School can help you find teen programs suitable for new drivers, adult or remedial course options.