10 Brand Marketing Statistics

Your business becomes a brand. This is a great way to bond with your customers and increase your business. The branding of a business involves more than just choosing a logo or the color scheme that best represents your company.

Your business brand is how you treat customers and employees, what messages you support, and the culture that you promote within your company.

It is clear that any business would want to become a brand. It is important to note that this will require careful planning and quite a lot of research. Here are ten statistics about brand marketing:

1. Authenticity Is The Key

Today authenticity is valued and praised. Consumers are looking for authentic brands that are relatable, real, and authentic.

2. Trust Is The Key To Success

Consumers trust brands when they do business with them. You can't expect to succeed if you don't build trust with your customers. Any brand that can earn trust from its audience will reap the benefits.

3. Transparency Must Be Stressed

Transparency is a key component of trust. Or, rather, both would not be possible without the others.

66% of consumers consider transparency to be one of the most important aspects of choosing a brand. Brands can be more transparent by sharing information with their customers.

4. Your Brand Design Must Be Sharp And On-Point

Every brand has a distinctive and easily identifiable logo as well as a color scheme. A well-known color scheme can increase brand recognition by as high as 80%.

5. Consistency Is Mandatory

Brand consistency is also essential. You must ensure consistency across all marketing channels. It will only lead to confusion in your audience.

It is best to hire Denver marketing agency to ensure consistency across all channels.

6. It Is Important To Make A Good First Impression

The average person takes 0.05 seconds to form a first impression of something. It is important to make sure that your website leaves a positive impression when someone visits it.

7. Social Issues Are Important – A Lot

It is not surprising that the audience has a stronger connection with brands than they do with them. They expect brands to stand on certain social issues.

8. Excellent Customer Service Is Essential

Customer who has had a bad experience with a brand are more likely to share it with others than customers who had a good experience. Brands must ensure they provide a great customer experience to their customers to avoid damaging their reputation.

9. Brand Values Must Be Meaningful

Consumers say that brands that are more than just profit are most appealing. Brand values are an integral part of brand marketing.

Brands that place their brand values at the forefront of their marketing efforts must do so in a meaningful manner. These values must be in line with the brand's core values, and they should also be relevant and appealing.

10. Content That Is User-Generated Is The King

The influencer-generated content is no longer as important as it was a few years ago. But user-generated content continues to rise.

Most consumers view user-generated content as a type of word-of-mouth referral. Brands should embrace and encourage this form of marketing if they want to be successful.

As long as they show that they care about their audience, and not just how much revenue they bring in, brands should be well-off.

Consumers perceive brands as more than just a business. Building your brand and constantly improving your brand image are two of the best ways to grow your business.