CBD: What’s it and how can it benefit the heart?

CBD, the latest health trend to hit the streets, claims that it can reduce inflammation and chronic pain. What is CBD and how can it help the heart?


What's CBD and is it legal in the UK.

Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a chemical extracted from cannabis plants' leaves and flowers. Pure CBD oil is legal as it does not cause the intoxicating effects associated with cannabis.


What are the CBD products available?

There are many CBD products available: oils, capsules or muscle gels, sprays, drops, and oral drops. You can also buy beer, tea, and sweets.


The prices can be very high. A 500mg bottle of CBD oil oral drops can cost as much as PS45. This is not to discourage people: CBD sales have nearly doubled in the UK over the past 2 years. Regular users now number approximately 25% of the UK's population.



What's CBD used for?

The World Health Organization reported that CBD could be used to treat conditions like cancer, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis (MS), anxiety, and depression.


It also mentions that the research is still in its early stages and that further studies are required before any conclusions can be made about whether CBD is truly effective.


Two CBD-containing medicines were approved by the NHS England to be prescribed for CBD. They are Epidyolex and Sativex. Both can reduce seizures in children with severe epilepsy.



Does CBD work?

Expert says that there is virtually no evidence supporting the claims for many of the products you see in stores. A lot of CBD marketing claims that CBD is the miracle drug of the modern age. However, marketing has overtaken evidence to support these claims.


The expert believes that CBD oil may be beneficial for some people. However, some cases could show positive results due to the placebo effect. This is where the patient believes in the treatment and feels better. Although the placebo effect is powerful, Expert warns people against trying CBD oil without consulting their doctor.


Dosage is what makes CBD different in clinical trials and retail. Some products may contain very little CBD, or none at all, according to research. Some products contain THC, illegal drugs, or alcohol in addition to CBD. In contrast, CBD in clinical trials is purified and manufactured to a high standard. It is also given at a higher dose. It is also taken under medical supervision and regularly.


Any CBD product that is claimed to have medicinal value must be licensed as a medicine. The rules for production, packaging, and information must be followed by manufacturers.


Expert points to the fact that CBD products sold in shops are not medicines but food supplements.



CBD can help the heart.

There is evidence that CBD may have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a key component of many diseases such as coronary disease, hypertension, and stroke. Another study has shown that CBD may have a protective effect on the heart. This was proven in rats following a cardiac attack and in mice suffering from some of the complications associated with diabetes. These studies often involve animals or lab findings, so we are not certain that CBD can benefit the human heart.



Research continues to be done on purer CBD forms for various conditions.

Some of the research has yet to be done on animals. More research is required before we can say definitively that CBD can aid in this area.


Expert says that CBD is clear and has great potential, but that we are still in the early stages of this research.


If you are considering using CBD products to compliment your current treatment, it is important to consult your doctor.